Monday, September 23, 2013

BOOrific Glasses for "Read the Room" Center.

BOO!  It's me again! I wanted to share some SPOOKtacular glasses that I found at Dollar Tree.  When I saw them, I knew they would be perfect for my "Read/Write the Room" center.  It's little things like this that jazz up any center.  I can't wait to show the kiddos! 
 Imagine them in your reading nook, math center or during guided reading at your teacher table.  The options are endless!  Soooooo, float on over to Dollar Tree to pick up some for yourself before they VANISH like a ....

Friday, September 20, 2013

The "A, B, C's" of Grades ... Transition from Kindergarten to First GRADE

I'm BAAAAAACK! Feels like forever!  I have been overwhelmed with learning a new schedule, school & district, but I think I am finally getting settled in.  WHEW!  

I wanted to share a little something that my good friend, Katrina, and I came up with last year when helping our kinders transition from checklist report cards to graded ones.  Trying to verbally explain grades was TOO abstract for little ones, so we thought a visual would work much better... AND, GUESS WHAT??  IT DOES!
Check out the pics below.

Each time my kiddos get graded papers returned and are unsure "where they stand," they take their paper over to the grade scale/number line and are able to get a visual of where their grade lies within the grading system.  Not sure if you can tell in the picture, but the "A" & "B" are both green with a happy face symbol.  The "B" is lighter than the "A" just to show ranking.  The "C" has a flat mouth and anything under that I put in "the red."

NO MORE, "What is this grade?"  "Is this grade good?"  "Is this an "A""
NO MORE banging your head against the wall!  HA!
The scale does all the work for you!

WANT ONE FOR YOURSELF?  {and a FREE one at that!}

Click here. :)

{It comes with 2 versions ... One is A, B, C, F and the other, A, B, C, D, F.  I also included 2 sets of number ranges depending on what your district deems an "A" etc...