Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SALE & Pumpkin FREEBIE!!

Hi Smart Tarts Learning Friends!  I am HAPPY as a PUMPKIN to be throwing a sale!  Oh, yes, and a FREEBIE! WOO HOO!  Hope you enjoy, and I would love to know how you plan to use this freebie.  This Pumpkin Circle Map will allow students to describe what they KNOW about pumpkins & what QUESTIONS they have about pumpkins.  I hope that you are able to use it!! :)

Get your freebie … HERE!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Positive Self-Talk Makes A Difference... Check out these SUPER CUTE notes!

We all know that we should be nice to others ..., but sometimes kids {and adults} don't realize that they, too, should talk nicely to THEMSELVES!  Positive self-talk is so important and a valuable skill one will use through one's entire life. School can be a hard place .... I can't imagine the thoughts that go through little ones' heads as they see their peers "get it" while they struggle. That's a lot of pressure for our youth... not to mention, testing, testing, testing & grades!  WHEW.
Well, after a lot of soul searching last year about what I could do to encourage my kids to not be scared of and do their best on tests, I came up with an idea... I started having my first graders write notes to themselves on their test.  Notes of love, encouragement, words of wisdom and happiness to themselves.  They were also allowed to TALK SMACK to their test!  This could be very entertaining.  I can still hear some of them now ... "You don't scare me TEST!"  "I am gonna get you!"  "I will knock you to the MOON!"  Then I would say, "Uh huh! You tell that test who's BOSS!" 

Well, I have continued the tradition again this year with my latest crop of Smart Tarts, and I thought I would post some of the cute notes they write to themselves, their test or sometimes me....

Since doing this for 3-4 weeks now, our Spelling Test results are at a record HIGH ... 16 kids got 100 & 6 more got in the 90's.  ALL of my 23 little Smarties PASSED!! WOOHOO!

Coincidence?? I think not!!  

Saturday, October 12, 2013

A Creepy, Crawly Giveaway!

Your Smart Tarts will LOVE learning about Spiders with this MASSIVE Spider Themed bundle of activities.  ONE lucky winner will get it for free! Enter now through SUNDAY!
CRAWL on over to Teachers Notebook to enter & GOOD LUCK!
Don't want to wait to see if you've won?  Pick yours up NOW at 30% off! 
IN FACT, all my October themed printables are 30% off.  Check it out HERE

ENJOY in the SPOOKtastic savings!