Saturday, November 30, 2013

45% Off ALL Smart Tarts Learning Printables - 3 Day Sale

I am excited to be participating in the Teachers Notebook 3 Day Sale.  All my items are 45% off.  That makes some items UNDER A DOLLAR!! I am also hosting a giveaway for my "Ginormous Gingerbread Bundle" - 5 WINNERS in all!! There are many other shops having sales too, so you could really rake in on the deals!

Check Out My Sale HERE
Check Out My Giveaway HERE

Thanks for taking a peek!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

So much to be THANKful for!

LONG POST ALERT...Each year we celebrate being thankful on one given day... As I reflected on this past year and the upcoming one as well, I began to wonder ... What exactly is the definition of "thankful?" Merriam-Webster says that it is defined as a "conscious of benefit received" and "glad that something has happened or not happened, that something or someone exists..." 

I hope to have this "consciousness" each and every day. 

Some things that I am thankful past, present and future... 

My sweet and loving hubbie {we have known each other since "back in tha day" when I was 14 and he was 16}. You will always be my "Sweets of all Sweets". I love you to the MOON, MOON, MOON! 

My gorgeous, beautiful children born from my HEART and SOUL! I knew that I would be a mom one day, but did not know that God would send a modern day stork {in the form of adoption} to our doorstep. To be able to adopt biological siblings and have these 2 bubbly children to call my own has been one of the biggest blessings in my life!

My sister, Arbeeno {no that's not her REAL name! LOL!}, for your friendship, love, support and all things wonderful that come in the form of sisterhood. God has blessed me more than gold with your birth and continued presence in my life. 

My parents for making me the strong woman that I am today. For my dad who always reminded me to "think positive, happy thoughts and you will be positive and happy." For my mom who taught me that "there is ALWAYS more than one way to fix a problem." Both of these bits of teachings were put into OVERDRIVE while going through the trial when adopting our son. Seems quite meant to be, doesn't it?

Friendship. I have the BEST friends in the world ... supportive, generous, loving and EXTREMELY TOLERANT {of this silly girl} friends. You give me laughter, joy and a mental break from the stresses of the daily regime. My life would be less rich without you in it. Thank you so much for your friendship {you know who you are} past and present. 

I am also thankful for my career as a teacher. I was (am) an "I refuse to grow up" type of person and a little bit of a late bloomer. It took me a while ... A good while ... To figure out wanted I wanted to be when I grow up. Once I found the education profession I felt right at home {and not because I was the same mental age as my kindergarten kiddos} and knew I was right where I belong.

AMERICA, land of the free, home of the brave. I am able to be a blogger and creator of Smart Tarts Learning creations because of this wonderful country. I am so thankful to be an American. I am also so thankful for you, your comments and kind words. I hope that I can get to know you better this year and years to come. 
From my family to yours ~ Happy, Happy Thanksgiving. 

Smooches ~ Nikki

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A "Thank You" FREEBIE for Following Smart Tarts Learning

I have been blogging for just over a year, and am TRULY thankful for your feedback, comments & encouragement as I grow as a blogger, creator & educator.  
Creating and selling my printables & games has been a dream since 2004. I was encouraged by those around me, but felt very nervous about putting my creations out there for people to buy... Talk about feeling vulnerable!!  Finally, many years later I decided to give it a go.  I remember how difficult it was for me when I posted my first product. I held my breath as I clicked the "post" button.  It was OFFICIAL!  
Watching my dream come to fruition and to have encouragement and thanks from other educators around the country has been very humbling.  I am extremely blessed by all of you near and far!

Please enjoy this "Countdown to Christmas" as a SMALL token of my appreciation for YOU!
 {2 font versions: 1 each in number order, 1 each out of order}

Many, MANY thanks!


Thursday, November 14, 2013

No Need To Be A CHICKEN When Learning Multiple Addend Addition ... This EGG Carton Game Makes It FUN!

Good Evening All!  It has been a while since I have posted an entry about one of my little "DIY" games, SOOOO I thought I would get "crackin'!"  

Using egg cartons is an EGG-celent way to make number recognition and addition fun.  This post focuses on adding 3 & 4 addends, but my little 4 year old uses it for number recognition.  My daughter, Violet, was really hamming it up for the camera in a couple of these shots.  

What you need:
Pom Pom Puff Ball Thingies {1 per addend}
An Egg Carton
Labels {or paper taped} With Desired Numbers
Place the puffballs inside the egg carton and give it a shake {or two!}
Open it up and see where they landed...
Write your number sentence & solve. If students can't solve in their head, they can draw dots or use manipulatives. 
Close and shake again for more math FUN!!
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! {She really said that! She's my biggest fan!}
WHAT?!?! FOUR addends!!!! {What a goof!}
It proved to be simple for her!

Would you like a copy of the addition sheet?  Click here