Saturday, November 15, 2014

We Haven't Seen Any Turkeys Around These Parts, Farmer.... **Wink, Wink, Shhhhh!**

We don't want that old turkey farmer finding our feathery beasts!  We had to do something to save them from being this year's Thanksgiving dinner....
 Duh, Duh, Duh, Duhhhhh... Duh Duh Duh....
Indiana Jones has discovered how to 
stay away from the dinner table!
This BIG HERO is sure to save Thanksgiving Day for the turkeys!
These 2 ballerinas will put the farmer into a TAILspin!
This skeleton is sure to give a fright
To the farmer on Thanksgiving night!
We love turkeys. Yes we do! We love turkeys. How 'bout YOU!?
You won't catch a turtle eating turkeys for Thanksgiving!
 Turkeys won't be KRABBY PATTIES with SpongeBob around!
 "Meow" we don't see any turkeys around here!
 Make potatoes, NOT TURKEYS! 
Peace, Love, Turkeys!
The kindergarten Smart Tarts families have really outdone themselves this year! 

Comment below...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Gobble Up This Thanksgiving Video Collection

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER?!?!?  Where is the time going???  I don't know about you, but I ADORE the little Smart Tarts in my class and want to teach them as much as I can and savor each and every moment with them... EEK! Slow down Father Time!
  Anyway, I have put together a little collection of videos that I hope to share with them this year and thought all of you out there might enjoy them as well. I am not turkey-ing around! These are videos that you will want to gobble up! {Make sure to preview prior to showing the Smart Tarts in your class to make sure they meet the standards of your school. :)}
Don't be a turkey ... Let me know which one is your favorite. :)

UPDATE: Here are a few more video goodies!

Follow this link to find great webcasts from Scholastic: Scholastic Webcasts

Thanks to Julie, here is a link to "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving"